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The events currently supported by watch-bus, and it is still being added continuously.

Classificationeventevent contentEOAERC20ERC721UNIVERSALthreshold gradientTrigger frequencyEvent descriptionseverity
transactionbig_amount_txnblock_number, tx_hash, current_value, comment1,000 USDMinutes (blocks)large amount transfer
current_value : the value of this transfer
LOW: current_value_gt:1000000 MEDIUM: current_value_gt:100000 HIGH: current_value_gt:1000
big_amount_txn_percentcmc_slug, block_number, tx_hash, current_value, comment0.01Minutes (blocks)The proportion of large-scale transfers in the total supply
current_value : The ratio of the value of this transfer to the total supply
total_supply : The total supply of money, each token has a total supply, the currency can be continuously issued, or continuously deflated and destroyed, but each moment will have a total supply at that time
LOW: current_value_gt:0.2 MEDIUM: current_value_gt:0.05 HIGH: current_value_gt:0.01
big_amount_txn_usdcmc_slug, block_number, tx_hash, current_value, comment100 USDhour levelLarge-value transfers (in USD)LOW: current_value_gt:500000 MEDIUM: current_value_gt:100000 HIGH: current_value_gt:10000
contractrisk_function_callblock_number, tx_hash, current_value, comment0Minutes (blocks)Call a high-risk function
current_value: function_sig
If you set current_value=0, it means that any function call will trigger the threshold, otherwise only when current_value=function_sig, the alarm will be triggered
"function_sig": "transfer(address,uint256)"
LOW: current_value_eq:0 MEDIUM: current_value_eq: 0 HIGH:current_value_eq: 0
abnormal_function_callblock_number, tx_hash, current_value, comment0Minutes (blocks)function call exception
current_value: function_sig
If you set current_value=0, it means that any function call will trigger the threshold, otherwise only when current_value=function_sig, the alarm will be triggered
"function_sig": "transfer(address,uint256)"
LOW: current_value_eq:0 MEDIUM: current_value_eq: 0 HIGH:current_value_eq: 0