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There will be two types of endpoints, one will be for malicious BNB addresses, such as accounts or contracts, and a second endpoint will be for possible malicious domain names.

Address security

Method: POST

URL: <https://<domain>/api/v1/address-security>

Request body

chain_idRequiredID of the Blockchain being scanned such as BNB or ETHint56 (BSC mainnet)
addressRequiredAddress of contract or accountstring0x312bc7eaaf93f1c60dc5afc115fccde161055fb0


statusYesResult of operationstringOK: The scanning process terminated as expected

ERROR: Exception thrown or unexpected situation met
codeYesResult code of operationint000000000: success

000001: unknown server error occurred during detection

000002: Number of requests exceeded limit

000003: unknown appId

000004: X-Signature-signature header can't be null

000005: verify signature error

  • appid, timestamp, nonce, signature headers can not be null or empty
  • nonce is illegal
  • timestamp has illegal
  • timestamp is expired
  • invalid appid
  • appid has expired
  • invalid signature
  • replay request
  • app is out of count limit
dataYesQuery ResultjsonSee "Data form"


has_resultYesWhether there is already a definite result, if False it needs to be repeatedly requested in [polling_interval] million seconds. And if false of this field the trust_score will be a quick reference score.booleanTrue
polling_intervalNoRecommended waiting time(million seconds) to the next repeat request.Integer60000
address_typeNoType of address, either wallet address (EOA) or smart contract addressStringEOA

trust_scoreYesThis is the contract or entity's trustIntegerRange: 0 - 100

The bigger the number, the higher the trust.

80 - 100: High Trust

60 - 79: Medium Trust

0 - 59: Low Trust

-1: means any async cache data has no result, can’t offer a score this time. Need wait [polling_interval] and request again.
risk_detailsYesDetails of risk

The definitions of those types of risks are below.

The return Json, shows the multiple aspects of the entity that have been validated and scored.

Each component has different types of weights in the security score.
JsonSee details below.
All risk details should be listed regardless of their value.
(true or false)
scanned_tsYesTimestamp of audit, in secondsLong1654872331

Sync/Async Response

Synchronous Response (returned when provider has a cached result)

  • has_result: true
  • address_type: non-null
  • trust_score: non-null
  • risk_details: non-null
  • scanned_ts: non-null
  • polling_interval: null

Asynchronous Response (returned when provider has to calculate result)

  • has_result: false
  • polling_interval: non_null
  • scanned_ts: non-null
  • address_type: null
  • trust_score: null
  • risk_details: null


The risk_details will be composed of an array of objects, the object contains the following fields

  • name : name of the check.
  • value: check result
  • risk_level: indicates the level of risk (LOW_TRUST, MEDIUM_TRUST, HIGH_TRUST, BASE_INFO, LOW_RISK, MEDIUM_RISK, HIGH_RISK)
  • risk_desc: a short description for each detail


"status": "OK",
"code": "000000000",
"data": {
"risk_details": [
"name": "is_open_source",
"value": "true",
"risk_level": "HIGH_RISK",
"risk_desc": "Un-open-sourced contracts may hide various unknown mechanisms and are extremely risky."
"name": "hidden_owner",
"value": "true",
"risk_level": "MEDIUM_RISK",
"risk_desc": "The ability to hide the ownership of a contract can be used to manipulate the blockchain data."